Building for Mary’s Triumph Through Conferences
The Time is Now!

“Building for Mary Inc.” is a 501c3 charitable organization, at the heart of our Prayer, Conversion, and Evangelization Efforts.

Why attend a Totally Yours Conference? 

These twice-yearly events gather anointed Marian speakers, clergy, religious, and laity, inviting all to say to the Lord and the Blessed Mother – Totus Tuus – I’m Totally Yours! 

The Blessed Mother is Spouse of the Holy Spirit — that means powerful benefits for us, her children! Globally, people are reporting fruits of Mother Mary’s intercession, from heavenly graces, healings, and conversions, to miracles, large and small. 

All in the spirit of Pope John Paul II (evangelist for a “New Springtime” for the Church), our Totally Yours Conferences will renew your spirit, amaze you and refresh you.

Our talks will also inspire a hearty laugh or two, as you hear astonishing conversion stories from speakers such as Dr. Peter Geitman and Char Vance. Guy Murphy will uplift you, as you hear updates on powerful current happenings at Marian shrines.

The culmination of these two-day conferences, are the Mass and healing service, that have proven to offer physical, mental and spiritual healings, and a “re-set” for troubled hearts and souls, in these dramatic times.
We hope to see you soon! 

It was through the Blessed Mother that Totally Yours Pilgrimages and Conferences began. 

As Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus helped build things for Mary, we, too, join in helping build toward the Triumph of Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart. 

We are committed to evangelizing the world with the riches of our Catholic Faith by hosting spiritual and inspirational conferences and events.  

Because the cost of tickets does not cover conference expenses, your donation to support Building for Mary at any level, is invaluable. All donations to our 501c3 non-profit are tax deductible, and those who contribute $250 or more will be mailed a tax receipt.

We thank you for your generous gift in helping us build up the Body of Christ through our conferences! In gratitude, we would like recognize your generosity as a Benefactor, Patron, Donor or Supporter. Please indicate this option either in PayPal, or, if mailing your check, indicate “Private Donation” at the bottom.

  • Benefactors: $2,000+
  • Patrons: $500-1,999
  • Donors $50-499
  • Supporters: $10-49

God bless you and thank you for your support!

Thank you for helping to keep events like this free for Priests and Religous!
Donate below to help sponsor a Priest or Religious 

Illinois Conference

Boston Conference

Learn More About Our Upcoming Conference!

Donate To Building For Mary

Donate Via Mail

Please make your check payable to Building for Mary and mail to:
Totally Yours, 909 S. IL Route 83, Suite 201 , Elmhurst, IL 60162
Please indicate on your check if you wish your gift to remain anonymous.