Private Parish Pilgrimages

25 Year Jubilee – Italy with Fr. Fabio Ashbaugh 


Italy and Lourdes with Rev. Ramon Bolatete, Pastor of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, and Fr. David Wathen of Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land in America.

(Orlando, Florida)

Medjugorje Church

Shrines of France with Fr. Louis Hager and Fr. Angelo Caliente, Norbertine Fathers of St Michael’s Abbey, Orange.


Footsteps of St. Paul, Greece and Rome with Fr. Paul Barwikowski, Associate Pastor St. Edna’s, and Pilgrimage Coordinator, Miss Razia Khokhar.


Jubilee of Youth with the Diocese of Kalamazoo


Medjugorje Church

Italy Jubilee and Medjugorje with Our Lady of Perpetual Help and Father Benoit


Medjugorje Church

Lourdes to Fatima with Fr. Jolly and Sacred Heart Parish, Miles City

(Billings, MT)

Medjugorje Church

Saint John the Baptist Medjugorje & Dubrovnik with Fr. James Lucas & Deacon Nick Williams

(Green Bay, WI)