Totally Yours Statement On The Coronavirus
Be assured, we are keeping a close watch on the progress of the Coronavirus.
See the Big picture at
Get Ivermectin from online doctor at:
COVID & The Vaccine
Myths about the COVID vaccine
Stop Medical Discrimination
People should never be pressured to comply with taking an experimental vaccine.
How can I get Hydroxychloroquine and Z-pack
This is the culmination of months-long research from all sources.
Other easy helps
Breaking up the establishment swamp
On February 27, President Trump addressed the nation bout the Coronavirus, COVID-19. He has a good team of experts to deal with the issue. The Coronavirus is a Respiratory Virus. It spreads like the flu/cold. Standard precautions should be taken.
- Cover when you cough.
- Stay home if you are sick
- Wash hands often
Precautions and containment in the US have been effective. President Trump’s decision to suspend travel from some regions in China now seems to be providential.
Totally Yours is glad that the Trump Administration has a team of great healthcare professionals working well with Vice President Mike Pence.
So far in the USA there have been roughly 1000 Cases. The rate of people infected that recover right now is over 95%. Some in the USA have been healed and are ready to go home.
Keep in mind, around 25,000 to 69,000 a year die in the USA from the seasonal flu. Many medical experts are hopeful that the Coronavirus will pass with the warmer weather as does the flu season.
We will make adjustments to keep our pilgrims safe. We will stay out of areas that may increase the possibility of contamination. As always, travel insurance is strongly recommended.
Upon traveling, keep up the immune system. Get plenty of rest. Drink plenty of fluids. Take Vitamin C and other vitamins and nutrients. Hot water, simple exercise, ginger and other warm spices can keep the body temperature up and at greatly reduced risk of infection.
While on the plane, it is good practice as an extra precautionary measure to wear a face mask, for at least part of the time on the plane.
For more information:
Please watch President Trump’s February 26 address to the United States from the White House.
Also look at updates on the World Health Organization at:
Totally Yours will keep a close watch on the situation as our priority is to always keep our pilgrims safe and to have great experiences on our spiritual journeys.
Of course, we ask Jesus Christ through His great Mercy to protect us and cover us with His Precious Blood and bring healing to all those affected by the Coronavirus. May Our Lady, St. Raphael, and all the saints intercede for us as well.
God Bless.
Guy Murphy
President Totally Yours Co.
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