Build for Mary’s Triumph Through Pilgrimages
The Time is Now!
“Building for Mary Inc.” is a 501c3 charitable organization, at the heart of our Prayer, Conversion, and Evangelization Efforts.

Medjugorje News!

Pope Francis has made an official statement, approving Medjugorje as a Marian pilgrimage site! As we wait for final church approval regarding the supernatural nature of Mary’s visits, and the miracles and messages of Medjugorje, Pope Francis has assured us that the spiritual fruits are undeniable! This decision of the Holy Father, to explicitly approve visits to Medjugorje, opens up this rich pilgrimage spot to official parish groups.
Journey with Jesus on a
Totally Yours Pilgrimage!
A tourist goes to a place to see something new. A pilgrim experiences a place, and, through the grace of God, becomes someone new!
Fatima, Lourdes, Our Lady of Guadalupe… Marian shrines and other holy sites, are hotbeds of spirituality – pilgrims here delve into the mysteries of the Catholic Faith, and return home spiritually fortified. Guy Murphy and Totally Yours would like to take you on a wonderful spiritual journey!
If you walked the streets Jesus walked, prayed on the sites where He and His disciples prayed…Visited villages where the Blessed Mother appeared and gave messages to her children…Saw with your own eyes, marvels such as the Eucharistic host turned to flesh in Laciano, Italy…The fiber cloak of Juan Diego bearing the miraculous Our Lady of Guadalupe image, in Mexico…Or the Shroud of Turin in Spain…If you had at least one priest on your tour and started each day with Mass and a rosary…Would you be changed?
Click here to see upcoming itineraries and learn more!
Your tax-deductible donation will help pay the cost of a priest going on a Totally Yours Pilgrimage.
- Benefactors: $2,000+
- Patrons: $500-1,999
- Donors $100-499
- Supporters: $50-99
God bless you and thank you for your support!
Your tax-deductible donation will help pay the cost of sending a priest on a Totally Yours pilgrimage.
“After this Pilgrimage, I am very sure, my life is going to be a different one…Because I know Jesus is alive and He is really working with me. It is not just a tour, it is a pilgrimage, really helping me and others experience Jesus!” – Fr. Biju, Diocese of Evanston, IN
“We were thinking that being ‘baptized’ in the Jordan (re-baptized) was amazing, and then as we go from place to place, it just keeps getting more amazing…we just can’t believe the blessings we’re getting here. We truly feel like we are apostles journeying with Jesus.”
– Jenny and Martha

Donate To Building For Mary

Donate Via Mail
Please make your check payable to “Building for Mary“ and mail to:
Totally Yours, 909 S. IL Route 83, Suite 201 , Elmhurst, IL 60162
Please indicate on your check if you wish your gift to remain anonymous.